The Obelisk
Cleopatra's Nedlee
The Obelisk or The Cleopatra is an Egyptian ancient artifact donated to the city of New York
in 1877 by the Egyptian ruler as a gesture of goodwill and friendship.
The Obelisk is 3,700 years old and is considered the oldest man-made object in Central Park.
Cleopatra’s Needle is the popular name for each of the three Ancient Egyptian obelisks re-erected in London, Paris, and at Central Park, New York in the nineteenth century.
Central Park Pedicab Guide at The Obelisk - Photo: NYC Pedicab Tours Co.
Thutmosis III (1479-1425 B.C.) had a pair of obelisks made to celebrate his 30th year of reing.

The Obelisk at Heliopolis, Cairo - Egypt -Source- Wiki
This obelisk was made in the quarries at Aswan, the two pink granite monoliths once stood on either side of the portals to the Temple of the Sun in the sacred city of Heliopolis by the banks of the Nile River. The shafts themselves are sixty-nine feet high from base to tip, and weight around 220 tons.
William H. Vanderbilt secured and paid for the whole journey from Egypt.
A time capsule was buried beneath of the Obelisk and included an 1870 U.S. census, the Bible, Webster’s Dictionary, the complete works of Shakespeare, a guide to Egypt, and a facsimile of the Declaration of Independence.
Herbert Mc.
Lic. NYC Pedicab Tour guide and rider, working at #officialNYCpedicabs